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Quality Policy.


Thesis Technology Products Limited recognises that the disciplines of quality, health and safety and environmental management are an integral part of its management function. The company views these as a primary responsibility and to be the key to good business in adopting appropriate Quality standards.


The Company Quality policy calls for continuous improvement in its Quality management activities and business will be conducted according to the following principles:


We will :-


Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Follow a concept of continuous improvement and make best use of its management resources in all Quality matters.


Communicate its Quality objectives and its performance against these objectives throughout the company and to interested parties.


Take due care to ensure that activities are safe for employees, associates and subcontractors and others who come into contact with our work.


Provide help and support to employees wherever possible to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.


Work closely with our customers and suppliers to establish the highest Quality standards.

Adopt a forward-looking risk based view on future business decisions which may have Quality impacts.


Train our staff in the needs and responsibilities of Quality Management






Ana Palmer. Managing Director




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